Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dunn update!

I haven't posted in a while and there are a lot of fun things I want to remember so I will give an overview of what the Dunns have been up to lately!

April was my 24th birthday and Miles definitely made it a great one! Bon Iver was playing in Vegas the weekend before my birthday and my little brother was also getting baptized and my other brother, Cole was having his homecoming in Hurricane so we thought we would make a weekend out of it.

Bon Iver was amazing. He really puts on a great show. The only thing I would recommend is getting seats. They are not a band you need to stand for and it would have been more enjoyable if we sat.

We had a Travelzoo voucher for a night at the Rio hotel and casino. When we got there they upgraded us to a 1600 sq ft room. It was amazing! It really made my birthday extravaganza that much better.

After our night in Vegas we drove back up to my mom's house for Malcolm's baptism. It was a great day and I am so proud of that boy! We had a really fun time being with family. Cole also returned from his mission and gave his homecoming talk the next day. It was great timing!

When we got back from our Vegas trip we had a Birthday dinner for me at Chilis. It was fun to get everyone together to celebrate!

In the Spring we also purchased our cute little puppy Oliver! He has brought so much into our home (good and bad!) We love this little guy, he has been our training wheels for when a baby comes. It has been so much fun watching him grow! I really think he is the cutest dog in the world. 

In May we celebrated out 1 year anniversary by going to Thailand. I am going to give Thailand it's own blog post but it was such a wonderful time. Miles and I are very blessed to be able to have so much fun!

 In June I finished my last semester at the University of Utah! I now have my Bachelors in Communication. It feels so good to know I accomplished that and can close that chapter in my life. I have started working out with a personal trainer, getting scrap booking done and decorating the house. I love having all this new free time!! Miles decorated my office on the last day of class and a girl in my training class made cookies. It was so fun to celebrate and I have appreciated all the love and support that got me through school. My mom and Allen were able to come up on very short notice and go to dinner with them and my mother in law, Marianne. We had a really great time together!

Miles got a big promotion at work and is now the Workforce Associate Director at 1-800 Contacts. He looks over forecasting our service levels, time off, schedule changes, etc. We are extremely blessed to both have good jobs that we love. I am amazed at how Heavenly Father continues to bless us. I am grateful for my husband and for how hard working he is!

We celebrated Miles 28th birthday June 27th by going to the Melting Pot. It was delicious! I had never been before but it was a really fun time. I made his coworkers sing to him at work and got him this little boy soccer cake. I also decorated his office! I'm really really good at embarrassing my husband :)

Hopefully I will be better at blogging and won't have to do large updates like this. I am impressed if you made it to the bottom!  It's easier to write about all the great things that are happening in life and that's what I hope to remember. Love to you all!